Enables chatbots to be used

The chatbots are the biggest allies of the companies that have a high demand and need to reduce the queues without spend on signings. These systems are nothing more than algorithms prepared to offer answers to certain questions from customers.

Some chatbots are equipped with artificial intelligence and are able to interpret the questions, offering pertinent answers. Others are programmed to answer specific questions, which are usually chosen according to the most recurring problems that consumers have.

Chatbots act as a kind of "filter", solving or allowing people to solve the simplest problems independently. This makes attendants free to focus on more complex resolutions.

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One of the great advantages of chatbots is the availability, after all, they can serve 24 hours a day, which expands the scope of the service sector of some companies.

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Allows remote access

Another advantage that digital transformation has brought to the service is the multiple ways of making remote access to a customer's system, allowing a real view of the problem. Often, the customer does not know how to explain clearly the problem he is facing, especially when he does not have the necessary technical knowledge.

Remote access allows the technician to assess the problem from within the user's computer, solving the issue himself. This represents an impressive gain of time - if before the attendant had to pass the instructions to the customer, who most of the times did not know how to execute, today the IT professional solves it from a distance. For that, it is enough that he has a help desk system that offers this possibility.

Another important change that the evolution of technology has brought to the service, is the possibility of the technician making remote access, without taking control of the client's computer. It is the "Remote Background" or background access, which allows the IT professional to correct the problem without the user having to stop what he is doing. This generates a productive gain for both involved, customers and technician.


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