IT certifications - be it the complete meal for the company

let's start by explaining to those who don't know the Information Technology area. Which areas does IT work with?

Information Technology (IT) is the knowledge area responsible for creating, administering and maintaining information management through devices and equipment for accessing, operating and storing data, in order to generate information and data that support the taking decision-making. In this context, IT covers the entire infrastructure for this information to be generated, transmitted, stored and processed. 

This includes assembly and operation of machines (servers, PCs and other elements), architecture, installation and operation of computer networks, programming and operation of information systems, among other aspects and activities. 

What is the importance of certifications?

An IT certification is an instrument that, theoretically, attests (to anyone interested) that the professional who holds it is versed in a certain technology. It is, therefore, a form of metric. However experienced a professional is, if he does not have a certification recognized by the market attesting to his knowledge, he may find it difficult to prove this experience.

The Security Specialist will develop new layers of protection and update the security systems. The professional has to grant permissions and privileges to authorized users. The specialist will examine the defensive systems and provide reports based on test results. It is the Cyber Security Specialist who is responsible for running a diagnostic on any changes in the information to verify any undetected breaches.


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