Only the provider is responsible for cloud security

 The belief that, when hiring cloud resources, the company is 100% free from information security concerns is also a myth.

What is true is that the company's users also have responsibilities that define success in protecting data. They must commit, for example, not to release the access keys to anyone and they must also pay attention to what they put inside their unit. 

That is, in a cloud provider, the operating systems that the client contracts must be updated directly by him or upon his request to the provider, as the latter cannot, out of respect for privacy, access his environment without permission. 

It is necessary to keep in mind the tasks and functions of each one of the involved, client and provider, contracted and contractor, and that both care for the safety of the environments, each according to its function and purpose, like any work with four hands.

The IT Support Engineer is responsible for taking offer application and technical support to the users. They have to respond and resolve the support requests and service tickets.


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